Feb 18, 2022 - Company announcement

Consist receives bronze medal for the first assessment of its Corporate Social Responsibility

Award-winning sustainability

Consist Software Solutions has been awarded a bronze medal for its sustainability practices by the sustainability assessment platform EcoVadis.

Kiel – Consist Software Solutions GmbH received a bronze medal in recognition of its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This result puts Consist among the top 50 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis. The assessment by EcoVadis includes the following categories: the environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Consist was rated for the first time.

"Consist is aware of its corporate social responsibility and places great importance on sustainability. We are therefore even more pleased about the award by EcoVadis, which proves the success of our strategic efforts regarding sustainable management," said Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven.

The ecological, social and ethical performance has developed into an essential factor for viable companies. More and more companies are under pressure to measure and improve their sustainability practices. In order to receive a rating by EcoVadis – an independent sustainability assessment platform – a company must present appropriate evidence of their achievements in all four categories.

Examples of sustainable practices in everyday company life

As part of modernizing the company building in 2021, Consist renovated the central heating with state-of-the-art technology, cleaned and decommissioned the old oil tanks using environmentally-friendly methods and converted the electricity supply to green power. Electromobility is promoted for all employees via offers to lease e-bikes and e-cars. The corresponding infrastructure provision of electric charging points on the company car park has been ordered and will go into operation in 2022.

Consist has been following a comprehensive codex for quite some time in the labor and human rights sector. For example, the company conducts several measures among staff members including those to prevent stress and noise exposure, as well as an annual mood and morale barometer.

About EcoVadis

EcoVadis uses a global, cloud-based SaaS platform to provide companies with holistic ratings in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

According to EcoVadis itself, since it was first founded in 2007, it has developed into the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 85,000 rated companies.

The EcoVadis rating covers a wide spectrum of non-financial management systems, including the impacts of the environment, labor & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. Each company is assessed according to the themes which are relevant for its size, location and sector.

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Bronzemedaille CSR für Consist Software Solutions
Download of Bronze Medal

Consist Software Solutions has been awarded the bronze medal by EcoVadis for its sustainability practices. Source: EcoVadis

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EcoVadis Rating Certificate

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Companies are increasingly committing to sustainability. Source: AdobeStock 86261829 ©Coloures-Pic - stock.adobe.com


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629

e-mail: isabel.braun@consist.de