Welcome to the Newsroom of Consist
Here you will find an overview of events organized by Consist or visiting the company with a booth, lecture or workshop.
Press releases form another focus and are supplemented by articles on current IT topics.
A selection of our flyers and brochures as well as pictures of the company are available for download. Interesting insights are provided by our Youtube Channel, where Consist introduces himself and his topics.
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Your contact for press inquiries

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm
Corporate Communications
phone: +49 431 3993-525
e-mail: sauer-wolfgramm@consist.de
Technical articles
- Fachbeitrag Praxisbericht SIEM und SOAR in der Finanzbranche
- BI-SPEKTRUM: "Anomalie-Erkennung mit Machine Learning"
- bahnmanager: Machine Learning zur automatisierten Erkennung von Schadwagen
- Interview in der Fachzeitschrift kes: Compliance: Mehr Chancen als Widersprüche?
- kes-special IT Security: "Insider-Threat-Management: Wer macht was, wann, wo?"
- Computerwoche: "So wird man zum Innentäter"
- ew Stadtwerke Spezial: "Versorgungsunternehmen im Spannungsfeld Datensicherheit"
- kes-special Referenzprojekte der Sicherheit: "Outsourcing von IT-Dienstleistungen: Chance oder Risiko?"
- Fachartikel "Midrange Magazin": Managed Services als strategische Lösung
Fachartikel in der LANline zum Thema "Streaming Analytics für das IIoT": > "Big Data trifft Fast Data"
Fachartikel in der LANline:
> "Herausforderung IT-Sicherheit - Server einheitlich protokollieren"
All technical articles available in German only.
Flyers and brochures
Pictures of the company
Note on the use of the pictures:
You can publish these pictures free of charge, as long as you specify Consist as the source and send us a voucher copy.