Feb 18, 2021 - Newsflash
At the IT security specialist event from February 23-25, 21, Consist provides up-to-date knowledge on cyber threats and security technologies
Consist Software Solutions will also take part in secIT by Heise in 2021
Kiel - After the usual secIT trade fair format fell victim to the corona regulations that became necessary at short notice in early 2020, the Heise Verlag security trade fair is now starting virtually for the first time. This time Consist is present at the digital conference with two new information formats. Using the example of current incidents, the lecture by security expert Sönke Freitag is dedicated to "Minimizing the risk of insider threats and corrupted software". In this context, many may still have the SolarWinds hack in mind.
In the break-out session "IT / OT - Visibility with Tanium - know your assets", Consist and its technology partner Tanium show how you can maintain an overview of security in companies in the age of home offices and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures. Tanium acts here as a central platform with which the security management of all endpoints is made much easier. You can find more information in the Consist profile at sec-it.heise.de/aussteller-und-partner.

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm
Corporate Communications
phone: +49 431 3993-525
e-mail: sauer-wolfgramm@consist.de