Sep 9, 2022 - Event announcement
Insight into Big Data and digital job fields
Consist at the Digital Week Kiel 2022
Consist is back on board again at several events for this year’s Digital Week Kiel, which will be taking place from September 11-18, 2022, in its role as a long-term friends sponsor.
Kiel – Consist Software Solutions has been a friends sponsor for the Digital Week Kiel for a number of years and will also be contributing exciting and real-life insight into the digital world (of work) at the 6th edition of the popular digital festival in the north of Germany, from September 11-18, 2022.
up.Skilling Class: The (Big) Data Race on 09.15.2022, 1-2pm:
Nicolas Dohrendorf, Managing Consultant at Consist, will be taking his presentation audience on a journey through the digital opportunities: from vehicle telemetry to Big Data, Data Science and IT security. Data from individual sources will be examined together, in this case it will be a racing car – through to our world today in which Big Data applications are becoming increasingly relevant.
Participants will learn how Machine Learning helps recognize critical events and reduce reaction times. The main focus here is also on how companies can be protected from attacks. The availability of Big Data, Machine Learning and Automated Response plays a crucial role in improving IT security in this context.
The presentation will be held as an up.Skilling Class in the Seeburg (Düsternbrooker Weg 2, 24105 Kiel) on September 15, 2022 from 1-2pm as part of the up.load festival section of Digital Week Kiel.
Job.Tasting Event on 09.16.2022, 5:30-9pm:
Anyone interested in finding out more about the various digital career opportunities available can do so at the Job.Tasting on 09.16.2022 as from 5:30pm in the Seeburg as part of the up.load festival.
Participants can get to know a range of companies in a relaxed setting. Our consultants Nicolas Dohrendorf, Mareike Jambor and Johannes Göser will be talking about their job journeys at this event over pizza and with a Q&A session at the end.
Admission to both events is free of charge.