Mar 7, 2017 - Company announcement

Balance sheet tops previous year's figures yet again

Consist continues its success from previous years

New business fields, lots of new hires, and the successful conclusion to our search for a location where the company can continue to grow in peace – this was the overall picture for 2016 for the IT service provider from Kiel.

Kiel – In the context of further personnel growth, Consist Software Solutions GmbH succeeded in following up last year's record figures with even more growth in sales this year. The 2016 business year saw a consolidated revenue of 26.22 million Euros (previous year 25.91 million Euros), including Hamburg subsidiary Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH. This was due in large to the Managed Services and Products business lines.

The strategic realignment of the IT service provider over the past few years proved sound. In its latest business field, with products related to Big Data and security, Consist shows significant growth, not least due to the acquisition of interesting new clients. Extensive investment in the international qualification levels of staff relevant to this field was a significant component for this success. The company also benefited from this development with innovative projects, in particular in the area of data analytics. Consist is seeing increasing awareness in all sectors here. "Companies have seen the opportunities inherent in digitization and now want to optimize their business processes," says Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist.

The company continues to see enormous potential in the increasing need for IT security and compliance solutions. Over the years, Consist has expanded its consulting competence extensively in this area, and relies on IT security services that also guarantee compliance with current legal requirements at the EU level.

In the meantime, Consist and its Hamburg subsidiary Consist ITU employ a staff of 190 (previous year 162). As a result, the central headquarters in Friedrichsort had been getting fairly crowded. There were no options for continued spatial growth there, so in mid-2016, 100 employees had to move into several office floors at the Wissenschaftspark (Science Park) at Kiel University. At the end of the year, a permanent solution was then found for getting all the staff back under a single roof, in that the neighboring administration building was purchased from Caterpillar. After revitalizing the complex, Consist will then be able to act from a single central location again starting in 2018. Sufficient space will be available there for further growth.

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Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist. Source: Consist


Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-525
