Jun 18, 2015 - Company announcement

Social commitment for needy children

Consist donates again to the Kiel Initiative against Childhood Poverty

Kiel IT service provider Consist Software Solutions is once again donating to the Kiel Initiative against Childhood Poverty inka e.V. The company's donation, to the amount of 3,000 Euros, will make it possible for the foundation to allow several needy children to practice their hobby in the Tanzschule K-System dancing school. Consist has supported individual, regionally-oriented social and community projects for years.

Kiel – Today, Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist Software Solutions, handed a donation check to the amount of 3,000 Euros to Jörg Rüdel, first chairman of inka e.V. The money will support several needy children who are devoted to dancing at the Tanzschule K-System dancing school in Kiel. To make it possible for financially disadvantaged children to dance as well, inka e.V. is providing tuition and a part of occasional special costs, including travel grants for participation in world competitions.

Tanzschule K-System has an extensive course offering for different age groups (children, teens, adults), ranging from hip-top to Zumba, to salsa, break dancing, and children's dance. K-System has its own dance ensemble, whose main group has won several different championship titles (German champions, European champions, world champions). The children's group of future talent was runner-up in the 2014 world championship in show dancing in Portugal. In 2015, the dancing school participated in the World Dance Masters in Croatia with 68 children, youths, and adults, and took top prizes in several disciplines.

Consist's social commitment

For many years, Kiel-based Consist has supported specific regional projects in social and/or community concerns. "At Consist, our employees vote in a company-wide survey to decide on the recipient of our yearly company donation. We chose inka e.V. again this year," says Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven. Consist already donated to this foundation in 2012 and 2010. Consist also built up the foundation's website a few years ago and supports it ongoing maintenance.

About inka e. V.

According to the Statistikamt Nord (Statistical Office) in Kiel, on average every third child is affected by poverty (Source: Statistical Report no. 211: "Die räumliche Verteilung von Armut in Kiel – Die SGB-II-Empfänger/innen in den Kieler Stadtteilen (The geographical distribution of poverty in Kiel – SGB-II recipients in the urban districts of Kiel)," publisher: The City of Kiel, Office for Communication, Location Marketing, and Economic Issues, Statistics Department). Children from poor families often have more difficult starting opportunities. inka e.V. has made it their goal to help needy children in Kiel: The foundation, which was established in 2008, supports children who would like to participate in sports or musical hobbies, but cannot follow their interests or talents due to the poverty of their parents. The Kiel Initiative against Childhood Poverty is financed on a 100% private basis and relies on donations to continue their work.

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From left to right: Jörg Rüdel (inka e. V.) and Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist Software Solutions, in front of the company building in Kiel on the occasion of the repeat donation from Consist to inka e. V. Source: Consist Software Solutions GmbH


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629

e-mail: isabel.braun@consist.de