Aug 11, 2017 - Newsflash

ObserveIT, a specialist in the insider threat sector, is once again raising its quartely figures

Consist is pleased with the success of the market-leading IT security partner ObserveIT

Kiel - Companies must ensure data security from the inside out. From May 2018, this is demonstrably required by the legislature. Only a few IT security solutions are capable of meeting the increased demands without being in conflict with employer rights or restricting the performance of their own IT landscape.

The success of ObserveIT, the world's leading provider in this field, is therefore no coincidence. Consist's long-standing cooperation partner has just released impressive quarterly figures. Read more in the press release of the company.

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Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-525
