Nov 23, 2016 - Company announcement

Large office building for further growth

Consist purchases new headquarter

Consist Software Solutions is purchasing a large office complex from Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG in Kiel-Friedrichsort. This investment is Consist's response to strong corporate growth, reinforcing its commitment in the region in order to provide IT services throughout Germany from Kiel. The move into the new headquarter is planned for 2018 after modernization work, and will allow the entire team to work together under a single roof after seven years in separate locations.

Kiel – The IT service provider Consist Software Solutions is purchasing an office building from Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG that is currently in use as the Caterpillar Motoren administration building. The purchase includes about 16,000 square meters of land with a large building complex as well as extensive parking. After modernization work, the Consist staff will move in 2018.

Consist has been looking for a new building for several years that will keep up with its steady growth. “The purchase of this building will open up outstanding new perspectives for us. After many years of searching, we will finally be able to work under a single roof again in the immediate vicinity of our current headquarter, as well as having the opportunity to give the space an attractive design that meets our expectations," explains Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven. The Consist staff currently work at two locations in Kiel: the company headquarters on Falklandstraße in Kiel-Friedrichsort, and additional leased space in the Hermann-Kobold Building in the Wissenschaftspark (Science Park). Consist also made use of a second location on the grounds of the Lindenau-Werft dockyards for a while, but this space grew too small due to the many new hires.

The future headquarter of Consist at Christianspries 4 in the direct vicinity of the current headquarter building and directly on the Kiel Fjord is an enormous expansion that will provide space for further company growth in the long term. The building's structure makes flexible room sizes an option. The building complex consists of two connected buildings, one of which is over six stories high. It has space for 300 to 350 people, and thus provides the option of leasing parts of the space to other companies.

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neues Firmengebäude von Consist Software Solutions
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Consist purchases new corporate headquarter from Caterpillar Motoren. The building complex will provide space for continued growth.

neues Firmengebäude von Consist Software Solutions im Christianspries 4
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The future corporate headquarter of Consist Software Solutions is in Kiel-Friedrichsort, directly on the Kiel Fjord.


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629
