Jul 13, 2018 - Company announcement

Consist receives training organization award

Consist has been training IT specialists in application development since 2016 and has now received the "Quality Through Training" award from the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Kiel (IHK Kiel).

Kiel – Consist Software Solutions has received the "Quality Through Training" award from the IHK Kiel in recognition of its dedicated efforts in vocational training. This award is given to companies that are recognized by the IHK as a training organization and which continually offer vocational training.

Consist has been training IT specialists in application development since September 2016. As part of the three-year training course, young participants learn all the tasks performed by modern IT service providers, program modern applications and modify existing ones. They also develop user interfaces and learn about methods involved in planning, implementing and monitoring projects, among other things. The company currently has 5 trainees among over 200 employees. Three more IT enthusiasts will start their vocational training at Consist this September.

Being a training organization enables companies to ensure their own requirements for specialist staff on the one hand, as well as making a contribution to the region's future viability on the other.

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Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629

e-mail: isabel.braun@consist.de