May 17, 2018 - Company announcement
Giving children space to develop
Consist supports the "Blauer Elefant" children's center in Kiel
With a donation of 4,000 Euros, the IT service provider Consist Software Solutions supports several projects in the "Blauer Elefant" children's center.
Kiel - The Kiel-based IT company Consist Software Solutions has donated 4,000 Euros to the "Blauer Elefant" children’s center. On May 15, 2018 Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven presented Sabine Bendfeldt, Managing Director of the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Kiel e.V., and Karen Wind-Alkis, Head of the "Blauer Elefant" children's center, with the donation check at the premises of the "Blauer Elefant" in Kiel.
Every year, Consist donates money to a worthy cause in the region. Staff at the company selects which organization receives the donation. This year, the Consist team decided to support the "Blauer Elefant". First of all, they plan to use some of the money to fulfill a wish the children have had for a long time - a trip to Trampolino, the largest indoor play area in Kiel. There, the children can climb a volcano, jump right up to the ceiling on a bungee trampoline, drive go-karts and do many other climbing and adventure games.
The children's center offers a variety of projects, which all require financial assistance, so Consist’s donation will also be used for other initiatives. New toys and equipment will be purchased for the psychomotricity center, for example, as the slightly quieter children don’t have anywhere to withdraw to at the moment. A sand and water table will promote motor skills and encourage quiet play. Other activities like tie-dying, felting and paper-making can also be offered with this special table. This multi-functional piece of equipment is also very useful for the planned technology and natural science afternoon.
About the "Blauer Elefant" children's center in Kiel
Around 60 children and young people between 6 and 21 go to the "Blauer Elefant" children's center. They receive special support through learning assistance, German courses and leisure activities. The focus is on independence, using your initiative and social learning. The establishment aims to give children and young people the opportunity to develop their skills and strengths in a safe and protected environment, but also to provide help on-demand where needed, and prevent future problems.
The children's center is operated by the local Kiel branch of the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e.V. (DKSB). The DKSB relies on volunteers and donations.

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(From left to right): Karen Wind-Alkis, Head of the "Blauer Elefant" children's center, and Sabine Bendfeldt, Managing Director of the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Kiel e.V., are pleased with the company donation, which Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist Software Solutions GmbH, handed over at the center on Sophienblatt in Kiel in the presence of several children. Various projects will be funded with this money. Source: Consist Software Solutions