Mar 29, 2022 - Newsflash

Consist Software Solutions GmbH and Tanium Inc. with a joint booth and presentation at SecIT by Heise in 2022

Consist together with Tanium on SecIT

Kiel - Finally back in attendance - after a virtual interim phase, the recognized Heise trade fair is now starting again at the familiar location, in the Eilenriedehalle of the Congress Center in Hanover. Consist is pleased to be able to participate there again in person - for the first time together with its technology partner Tanium. This year's trade fair appearance by Consist is focused on the "Next Generation SOC" and is dedicated to the increased demands on a security operations center in view of current cyber threats, along with constantly changing compliance requirements.

In this context, the automation of security processes becomes the decisive factor so that security specialists do not sink into overload. Therefore, the joint presentation by Consist and Tanium deals with the complete automation of ISMS processes, in particular the handling of risk management, vulnerability management and digital forensics in real time. The lecture will take place on March 31, 2022, from 10:10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on stage 2 - more information on this at

Logo der IT-Security-Messe secIT by Heise, an der Consist auch in 2022 wieder teilnimmt.
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Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-525
