Mar 29, 2018 - Company announcement

Great demand for security and Big Data

Continued positive trends

IT service provider Consist Software Solutions saw increased sales in fiscal 2017, and once again added staff. In response to growth trends, Consist purchased a new, larger corporate headquarters and added management staff in early 2018.

Kiel - Consist Software Solutions GmbH generated consolidated revenue of EUR 27.1 million in 2017, taking Hamburg-based subsidiary Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH into account (prev. year: EUR 26.2 million), continuing their growth trend. The largest income sources for the IT service provider were Managed Services and Projects. As a specialist in IT services and software, Consist supports its clients throughout the entire software life cycle, from development projects to maintenance during the operations phase, and even providing additional Big Data and security products. "In the areas of IT security, compliance and Big Data, we've seen particularly strong demand from our clients in 2017," explains Jörg Hansen, Managing Director of Consist Software Solutions. This is a continuation of trends from previous years. Demand for classical system management is also growing.

IT security concept provides long-term support for companies

The new EU-GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation), the requirements of which must be implemented by May 25, 2018, increases the duties of companies to protect personal data. This primarily requires action on the part of the company to ensure that new monitoring and accounting obligations can be met. Consist supports companies on their way to achieving this via a comprehensive IT security concept.

New insights from Big Data

Big Data technology combines and analyzes relevant data from large volumes of data of different formats and sources. Consist supports clients in obtaining new and important information from Big Data. With Big Data analytics, for example, companies can gain new insight into market trends and customer needs. And with predictive analytics, companies can use existing data to create forecasting models that can help in decision making.

Growing staff numbers

Consist has also increased its staff numbers in the past fiscal year. On December 31, 2017, the company had 200 employees (in comparison: 181 employees on December 31, 2016). Many people were especially hired for the Managed Services area, as well as experts in security and Big Data.

Additional management and a new company building

In response to the staff growth, the company also named an additional managing director. Jörg Hansen has now been part of top management since January 1, 2018. He has worked at Consist for 10 years, and was the Managing Director of Managed Services beforehand.

Consist also purchased a large building complex in Kiel-Friedrichsort from Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG as the new company headquarters. The move into the new headquarters is planned for the end of 2018 after modernization work, and will allow the entire team to work together under a single roof after 9 years in separate locations.

Looking forward

"We have an optimistic outlook for the new fiscal year, and are urgently looking for new staff for our continued growth," says Consist Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven.

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Geschäftsführung Consist: Geschäftsführer Martin Lochte-Holtgreven und Jörg Hansen
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Consist Managing Directors Jörg Hansen and Martin Lochte-Holtgreven are pleased with the company's growth trend. Source: Consist Software Solutions GmbH


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629
