Aug 8, 2019 - Special topic
IT security companies found auxiliary network within the framework of the security partnership Schleswig-Holstein
Cybersecurity-Servicepoint: help in case of emergency
Kiel – IHK, DiWiSH (Digital Economy Schleswig-Holstein registered association), ASW (Alliance for Security of the Economy in Northern Germany registered association) and the State of Schleswig-Holstein have set themselves the task of supporting commercial enterprises against criminal data attacks both preventive and reactive. On 19.8.2019 the "Security Partnership Schleswig-Holstein" starts with a top-class kick-off event, where BSI (Federal Office for Security in Information Technology), State Office for the Protection of the Constitution, LKA (state office of criminal investigation) and the DiWiSH-IT-Security-Section inform about current developments.
At the same time, the concept of the cybersecurity service point is presented for the first time, to which companies can turn in all questions of data security - not only in an emergency. Under the aegis of the DiWiSH, the Servicepoint is the central point of contact for requests for acute attacks and for prevention. The Servicepoint forwards these to affiliated cybersecurity companies in SH (Schleswig-Holstein). As from 1 October this year, the security network will go live. In his role as part of the steering team, Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, Managing Director of Consist, explains its future work.
The aim of the Schleswig-Holstein Security Partnership is to continuously inform about current threats and to quickly provide the right contact persons.

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm
Corporate Communications
phone: +49 431 3993-525