Mar 23, 2015 - Company announcement

In the black in 2014

Highest turnover in Consist history

IT service provider Consist Software Solutions GmbH generated turnover of EUR 22.7 million in 2014 taking subsidiary Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH, into account - the highest turnover since the company's founding. The company continues to look for new staff members, particularly Big Data consultants.

Kiel - The Kiel-based IT service provider Consist Software Solutions GmbH once more reports positive results for 2014. The company successfully concluded the business year with a consolidated turnover of EUR 22.7 million, taking subsidiary Consist ITU Environmental Software GmbH in Hamburg into account. These are the highest earnings ever recorded in the company's history. Turnover rose by over 8% in comparison with the previous year (2013: EUR 20.9 million).

Consist has successfully supported medium and large companies in software development and maintenance for over three decades. The experienced IT service provider's service offering includes all-round support from a single source, from consulting to development of individually customized software to long-term maintenance, as well as new application options using innovative software products. Consist has now been a part of the international Consist World Group for some 20 years.

Their main earner is still the project business, followed by the ever-growing Managed Services (software maintenance and system support). The strategy of winning new customers through the product business paid off in 2014. "Our customers have been increasingly interested in our know-how in IT security and business analytics over the past year. Our end-to-end approach – the combination of offering innovative software products along with accompanying project services – is successful on the market," says Consist managing director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven.

Outlook for 2015

"For 2015, given the current economic situation, we expect continued growth in turnover," explains Martin Lochte-Holtgreven.

The growth trend can also be seen in the number of employees. The company has 216 members of staff as of December 31, 2014 – 133 of whom were fully employed (previous year: 120 full employees as of December 31, 2013). Consist plans additional hires in 2015. By March 2015, seven new employees had already been hired. Over the remainder of the year, some 10 additional new employees are anticipated, including more Big Data consultants.  

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Martin Lochte-Holtgreven, managing director of Consist Software Solutions, is very pleased with Consist’s positive results in 2014. The company achieved the highest turnover since it was founded. Source: Consist Software Solutions GmbH


Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629
