Feb 2, 2018 - Newsflash

The latest Lünendonk® study shows changing requirements in the IT market

How does digital transformation succeed?

The results of the Lünendonk® study "Business Innovation & Transformation - Where do companies stand today?" show that end-to-end solutions have become increasingly important.

Kiel – Specialist processes are increasingly digitized and automated. Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining market maturity. In order not to lose sight of factors such as governance, compliance and security, companies need enhanced advice on business solutions from IT service providers. First and foremost, technical and industry expertise in big data and analytics is in demand, but in order to secure investments in digitalization, end-to-end solutions are becoming increasingly important for companies.

These keyfindings confirm Consist´s approach of needs-based consulting before the implementation of big data projects. The detailed results of the current study can be found at www.consist.de/de/news/Wie- gelingt-digitale-Transformation/.

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Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Petra Sauer-Wolfgramm

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-525

e-mail: sauer-wolfgramm@consist.de