Apr 14, 2016 - Event announcement

First-hand job information for students

JOBBUS at Consist

On April 20, 2016, students can personally experience on site what career opportunities await them in IT at the IT service provider Consist Software Solutions in Kiel. Consist will open its doors for tomorrow's IT experts as part of the JOBBUS event.

Kiel – As part of the JOBBUS on April 20, 2016, students can inform themselves of specific career opportunities at Consist Software Solutions. Starting at 9:15am, Jörg Hansen, Division Head of Managed Services, and Axel Ruhnau, Division Head of Projects, will report for an hour on entry-level opportunities at Consist and the tasks in their different divisions. Staff from both divisions will give an impression of their working days and the issues they work with.

Consist is one of the companies participating in the event, intended to give students a closer look at the many promising career prospects in the digital economy of Schleswig-Holstein. According to a study in 2013 at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, many IT students know too little about the regional corporate landscape and therefore often move to other federal states after completing their studies.

JOBBUS schedule

Buses to three or four companies each will start from college campuses in Flensburg, Kiel, and Lübeck. Students will have the opportunity to get to know their potential employers. Participants will then meet up at the ACO Academy in Büdelsdorf. The focus there will be on tips and tricks for starting a career and about everyday employed life.

Interested students can register directly on the JOBBUS website: http://www.jobbus-sh.de/anmeldung/.

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Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629

e-mail: isabel.braun@consist.de