Aug 22, 2016 - Company announcement

Moving out of the Lindenau-Werft offices

Second Consist location in the Kiel Wissenschaftspark

Consist moved into its second Kiel location in the Hermann Kobold Building in the Wissenschaftspark (Science Park) today. The rooms previously leased on the grounds of the Lindenau-Werft dockyards offered the rapidly growing IT service provider no further growth options. The central offices remain in the headquarters building in Friedrichsort.

Kiel – As of today, 100 of the roughly 160 Consist employees are working out of the Hermann Kobold Building in the Kiel Wissenschaftspark. The space at the Lindenua-Werft used as overflow offices had grown too small in view of the company's strong growth. Consist’s headquarters will remain on Falklandstraße in Friedrichsort, with about 60 employees at that location.

"The conditions at the Wissenschaftspark are ideal in terms of size and infrastructure. The new space provides us with about 2,000 square meters of offices with modern equipment. We can also lease additional space within the park as needed," says Consist’s Managing Director Martin Lochte-Holtgreven. Primarily, Managed Services will be operated from the new location (maintenance and operation), while development projects, sales, and administration will continue to be housed at the headquarters in Friedrichsort.  

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Isabel Braun

Isabel Braun

Corporate Communications

phone: +49 431 3993-629
